Soul immortality, reincarnation

Soul immortality, reincarnation

In this article, I will talk about the human life cycle - birth, death, or astral transition and life in the astral world. There are many versions of what the astral world is and what is happening in it, but rarely are any of these versions true. Mostly the astral world is viewed through the prism of religion, but in this article, there will be no religion, no angels, no demons, and no mystical image. I will tell you to step by step how things are going for real, as left by people who really remember their past and life in the astral world, people who do not lose their memory at birth. No fantasy, no religion, no mystics.
The cycle begins with physical life, after physical death, there is a gradual transition of 50 days to the astral state. In the astral world, we live a certain life and we spend a certain amount of time (of your choice). In the astral world, we spend most of our lives. Physical life is much shorter than astral life. Many people do not remember it and think that the physical body is the only one in their life that he owns. But in reality, it is only a small episode of our entire existence, and it is the physical body that really does not belong to man. We temporarily borrow these physical elements from the planet for our bodies and return them with interest at the time of death. We take the small body, give back the big one  And so until the next reincarnation.
Incarnation in the body
If death in the physical world means being born in the astral world, the opposite is exactly the same. Born into the physical world means something like a death in the astral world. When we decide to incarnate in the physical body, our friends in the astral world lose contact with us for many years, they mourn over us just as we mourn the physical world for their departures. The only difference is that astral beings are aware that it is a divorce only temporarily, not for life.
The embryonic moment of incarnation is the most unpleasant thing a person can experience throughout their life cycle. However, this is a necessary process and we are conscious of it. Even the moment of death is not as unpleasant as the moment of incarnation. Embryo incarnation takes place from 3-5 months of pregnancy. This is the moment when the mother senses the baby's first movements. The mother is happy to feel her baby, but at that moment the baby experiences the most intense shock and the most painful moment any human can ever experience. These are not only physically uncomfortable feelings, but complete blocking of memory and the loss of self as a personality for a long time. Everything we knew is disappearing. From an advanced personality, we become primitive being with a locked memory. Memory gradually unlocks only after physical death within 3 years. During this period, one remembers all his life again.
Memory locking is a peculiar and necessary protective mechanism. There are some people who have no or only partial memory lock (usually for esoterics). Young children are still able to remember their past lives. Adults can remember previous life episodes with the help of special techniques.
By the 3rd month, the embryo has no soul, it is like a tumor that develops into a body. Astral beings are able to see this new energy form and, if free, can incarnate. The soul can only incarnate in the human body and only one soul can incarnate in one body. The soul is indivisible - one soul can incarnate in only one body at a time. Man cannot incarnate in an animal or plant or on another planet, in another form of life. The soul has no gender, we have lived in the bodies of both women and men because we cannot choose the gender. The astral being can’t see the sex or health problem of the embryo. Astral beings see energy but not the physical world. There are astral beings who choose their next body very carefully, observe their parents as much as they can, and gather information, but there are astral beings who choose very carelessly - they see a free embryo and incarnate without assessing possible risks, without considering possible health problems, living conditions, religion, family spiritual values, etc. But whatever the choice, it is always the choice of the soul - no one can force anyone to incarnate. Other souls can recommend, or coax, but cannot be compelled. The more advanced the soul, the better choice it is able to make. The more advanced the soul, the sooner it is able to incarnate in the embryo - accordingly, such a soul has a greater chance of choosing the best option. Faster than the third month of pregnancy, it is technically practically impossible for the soul to incarnate because the full chakra system is not yet capable of being formed. The chakra system is formed at the moment of incarnation. At the moment of incarnation, the embryo can finally be considered alive. Even before, he is biologically alive, but he is not human, it is only biological matter.
Every person has a goal before reincarnation, what he wants to work on in his future life, what problem he wants to solve, what talent he wants to develop, what experience he wants to experience, or just the choice to enjoy life. Based on these wishes, the most appropriate circumstances, family, and parents are chosen. However, there is always room for error, and not always what we wanted to achieve is possible when circumstances change. There are souls who are unable to fulfill one purpose in several lifetimes. The stronger the soul group/family is, the more likely it is that a person will realize their plans.
We are the result of many lives and many experiences. We are not born as a white leaf whose character formation is dependent on family traditions and genetics. Yes, family plays a very important role in our spiritual development, but basically, we are the person we were before embryo incarnation - with the same talents, the same value system, with the same behavior pattern. While our physical family is strongly influenced by early childhood, our true character begins to manifest itself in our teens. If we like and are attracted to something, it means that we have liked it in our past lives. If we have a particular talent, it means that we have done it in our past lives and developed that talent. Parent genetics affect our physical body, but not our talents and tastes.
Death, or the transition to the astral world
Physical or biological death occurs when doctors detect cardiac and respiratory stops and 9 minutes have elapsed. During these 9 minutes, it is still possible to return to physical life. However, it is not possible to return later. The human body has a maximum life span of 160 years, it can no longer be able to serve and needs to be replaced like worn out and unfit clothing. The physical body is something we do not own, we borrow it for a certain period of time, use it and return it to earth. One should not perceive the physical body as something more than a favorite piece of clothing, which eventually becomes useless. For a person who thinks he is mortal and does not believe in life after death, does not believe in reincarnation, the moment of death is perceived as a tragedy, as the end of everything. It is much easier for a person who is aware of his immortal soul to perceive the moment of death as he realizes that one stage in his life is over and the next one will begin, waiting for him to meet his friends and loved ones who are waiting for him in the astral world. There is a certain cyclicality to everything in life, something begins, something ends, and nothing is eternal. The moment of transition is not a tragedy. In the astral world, it is a feast, because the souls will meet again. No one dies or disappears forever. We will always have the opportunity to meet again and be together.
If one does not understand the structure of the astral world, it is very easy to manipulate and deceive him. This is exactly what many religions do - deliberately misleading and intimidating people to build their influence based on their ignorance. Also, astral beings can manipulate a person who has just died and is unaware of these transition processes.
So 9 minutes have passed and death has occurred. These 9 minutes are followed by 2 cycles of 50 hours and 50 days. During the 50-hour cycle, the astral, mental, and etheric bodies are separated from the physical body. The etheric body is part of the physical body, and through this body, the soul is able to see and feel the physical world after death as long as this etheric body decays and fades away. After that, only the astral and mental bodies, which form one whole and are indivisible, remain - that is our soul. The soul does not detach from the body quickly, as shown in feature films, this process is gradually taking place within 50 hours. The exception is when the body is burned immediately after death, then the separation takes place very quickly. Full-body cremation (up to coal and ash) is one of the best ways to get rid of a dead body. If this cremation occurs immediately after death, it greatly helps the soul to break free and begin the process of adaptation faster. If this cremation occurs only after a 50-hour cycle, then it no longer matters.
How separation happens? The mental and astral bodies are evenly distributed throughout the physical body. The astral body has energetic thickening or chakras. First of all, energy begins to unite and gather in these chakra thickenings - the legs and arms begin to draw together to the nearest chakra. First, the elements that do not have chakras - hands and feet - are separated. Then the chakras themselves begin to pull together from the bottom up - first, the first chakra separates, then the second, etc., creating an energetic sphere. It then begins to pass through the head, through the 7th chakra, and sometimes through the back of the head. However, due to the etheric body, there remains a connection with the physical body, such as the astral umbilical cord, for some time. At the end of the 50-hour cycle, there is complete separation from the physical body. The etheric body continues to wrap itself around the astral and mental bodies as such. It is this ethereal sheath that helps to maintain physical perception for the next 50 days. The etheric body gradually breaks down over the next 50 days - sight, smell, and hearing, all of which are slowly disappearing.
The 50-day cycle is a slow transition from the physical world to the astral. It does not happen that after death you lose hearing, vision, and sensations. If it were like that, it would be a huge shock. In general, everything is reasonable, so there is a 50-day transition period that allows you to adjust to the new circumstances, gradually shifting from one state to another. At the first moment after death, everything is just like before death, we see our body from which we begin to separate. We see and hear through our etheric body, but we do not feel pain, we cannot move our physical body and speak. But as the days go by, we begin to see the astral world - very minimal at first, but more and more evident with each passing day. However, the more we see elements of the astral world, the less we see the physical world. At the end of the 50-day cycle, the physical world disappears completely and remains astral only. The soul does not leave the world. The world we all live in is the same, not a hell nor a paradise. Astral beings are around us, but we do not see them and astral beings do not see us. We coexist in one world.
In this 50-day cycle, it is very difficult to see and distinguish our soul groups. But the beings of the astral world see us. We are not able to distinguish our friends from enemies. The soul does not have the appearance of the physical body, the soul is like an energy sphere without age and sex. It's just a myth that after we die, our dead relatives are greeted by their physical appearance, like ghosts as we remember them. Yes, our soul group does expect us, but we do not distinguish and recognize them. It takes time.
There is another period - a 3-year period. Within 3 years, human is still adapting after physical death. During this period, the memory of all past lives gradually unlocks. After 3 years, the memory is fully unlocked and you can start planning your next reincarnation if you wish. It is absolutely not necessary to do this before the end of this 3-year period, because human is not yet able to fully analyze all situations and circumstances, and is not yet able to distinguish friends from enemies. Such a person is easy to manipulate and deceive. It is easy to get persuaded to reincarnate in inappropriate conditions. One does not need to perceive astral beings as angels who have been cast. Astral beings are exactly the same person as they are in the physical body - with their pros, and cons, their good and bad qualities, their ego, and so on. We do not change after death, we just gradually begin to remember our past lives. Therefore, it must be taken into account that in the astral world we also have adversaries who want to harm us. And it is precisely these kinds of ills that can try to deceive us after death and try to persuade us to reincarnate as quickly as possible in some adverse circumstances. Therefore, it is very important to remember - no reincarnation in less than 3 years. Our true friends would never ask us for anything like that. Reincarnation is purely a voluntary choice. Since we do not have the physical body and the physical senses, the only way our enemies can harm us is to get us reincarnated in very bad conditions. Even the nicest and finest human in the world has someone who can't stand him, or simply wants to take revenge for something. At the end of this period, we are finally full-fledged astral beings with unlocked memory and able to make decisions, able to distinguish our friends from enemies.
Life in the astral world
The astral world is the same world we live in, only we have other organs of perception. Nobody tells us to go somewhere, to leave our favorite place. Everyone has the free choice to be where he wants and to do what he wants. In the astral world, we usually live with our soul family, with our soul groups. Although there are no more restrictions on the physical space, many continue to reside where they have lived their physical lives for some time after their death in their physical home. But they see things in a completely different way. At the end of the 50-day cycle, physical perception - vision, hearing, smell, and astral vision - has disappeared. Although everything is different, it is not something worse or less beautiful. We continue to see the physical living entities, not as physical matter, but as astral energetic formations, certain contours. No one is able to force an astral being to leave a place, absolutely no one, no pastor, no extrasensory, no other astral being. An astral being can only decide to go if he so wishes. If he doesn't, no one will force him. We live with astral beings, we live in parallel. We do not see astral beings and astral beings see us only as energetic formations, they do not see our physical bodies.
In the astral world, we can educate, spend time with our loved ones, plan for the next reincarnation, and help our loved ones in the physical world. In the astral world, we can travel because we are not limited by physical matter. We can move at the speed of thought. We can move anywhere in the galaxy and visit other planets. But we do not see them with physical vision, only with the astral. The whole perception is different. We can only be born on our planet - we cannot be born on another planet in another civilization and no other planet civilization can be born on our planet. It is not possible. We are attached directly to our planet as long as our planet exists and the planetary spirit of our life is here.
Communication between astral beings is telepathic through domes - this is how we talk, argue, and plan. We have no language barriers. We all look alike - energy spheres in the size of a large orange. We do not have the physical differences we had in the physical body. We know each other by personal vibrations. They are individual and completely different. There are no two beings with identical vibrations - similar yes but identical no. I will try to explain what personal vibrations are. For example, try to remember one of your classmates from a very early age whom you haven't met since school and whose look you no longer remember. But the moment you think of him, it evokes certain feelings in you, and associates those feelings with him and not with anyone else, no matter how he looks. Remembering another person will have other feelings again. These are the individual vibrations of humans. When we meet this person in the astral world, we recognize him through these feelings. The closer we are to someone, the easier and faster we are to recognize him.
Planning of the next Reincarnation
The next reincarnation is usually planned together, in the company of related souls. Successful reincarnation depends on a number of factors - parent choice, place of birth, and alignment of births with related souls. The more successful the planning, the greater the chance to realize your plans and goals for the next life. It is easiest and fastest to reincarnate in the family of our soul group. This is because we have similar vibrations - so we have an energy preference over others. Affiliated souls may become embedded faster than others from the third month of pregnancy. If the embryo is for someone other than our soul group, the incarnation is possible only after the 4th month of pregnancy. The speed of incarnation also depends on the development of the soul - the higher the vibration of the soul, the more advanced it is, and the faster it can incarnate. There is no random principle here - energy closer and higher are preferred, and others have to choose from what is left. The fight for free bodies is big enough and there are not so many good options. We cannot plan our next sex, and we cannot predict or see the health of the embryo, but we can plan the place where we want to be born and choose our future parents. Yes, it is we who choose our parents, and there is no accidental principle here. If our choices have been bad, it is our own fault and failure to plan. If we do not take precedence over another, more advanced soul, then it is our own fault, because no one prevents us from developing. It is your choice whether to learn, develop and to develop or waste your time and your life senselessly. Those who are more advanced than us have spent many lives to reach this level and have spent many years educating themselves to raise their vibrations, and that is why they have reached a level where they have a preference. And they are not favored by some higher power, no, their development is what determines it - high vibrations and energy levels.
If you read this, you can be sure that your vibrations are high enough and that you are a highly developed soul. Low-vibration souls with low vibrations are not interested in esoterics and their minds are not occupied with life after death :)
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