Mental Alchemy

Mental Alchemy

Mental Alchemy
Alchemy is the highest form of esoteric, it has been forgotten for the most part for the last 250 years until recently.
The name alchemy comes from the word ala-Kimiya (Ala is short for Asgala). Word Kimiya was used by ancient doctors to express pour or mix. The practice of Alchemy comes from the previous Laien civilization (more commonly known as the civilization of Atlantis) as a practice of cosmogony esoteric. First priests gained and practice this knowledge in Asgala. Asgala is an ancient region and energy location between modern-day Turkey and Bulgaria. Currently, it’s the energetically biggest and strongest place in the world. Before the 2015 earthquake, it was Shambala (Nepal region).
Historically alchemists had two goals to achieve from alchemy:
First: gain precious metals/elements from simple elements.
Second: find philosophers stone that can make you immortal and bring luck.
If you look at these things literally they seem like fairytales, but if you view them from a correct perspective they become real and achievable. There is a much deeper meaning hidden under it. Of course, you can’t get gold from lead or iron, but by cleansing, we can create something clean and honorable. This means to clean your soul from your ego, to be in control of your inner you, and achieve balance and harmony. By achieving these things it lets you gain wealth and power, power to control people and processes around you. Have to mention, that thanks to the misuse of alchemy modern-day society have made huge discoveries in chemistry that we know today.
The meaning of the Philosopher's Stone is also to be understood in a different way. Immortality does not mean to live forever in one body, but instead, it means not to lose experience, knowledge, and memory at the time of reincarnation. An immortal person is one who does not lose a part of himself at the time of reincarnation and does not lose his value system, experience, and memories from previous lives. Such a person no longer plans his life as one, but many to come after the first. Happiness means the ability to rejoice at the little things around you every day - to enjoy life as it is - to understand yourself and the essence of things.
Understanding the right alchemy opens up much more manipulation and transmutation possibilities, it makes it possible to change events, and situations, change one's life, attract the necessary events and people, get harmony, even change the weather and influence important world processes. It is a huge power.
How is Alchemy Implemented in Practice?
Alchemist is a person belonging to the Alchemy Egregor or a community that unites all alchemists in both the physical and the astral world. In order to obtain affiliation to the Alchemy Egregor, a person needs special initiation. The Master of Alchemy is capable of performing divine transmutations and by its nature and realization ability is like a god but with a small letter.
Alchemist is practicing through alchemy egregor and 14 alchemy portals in several European cities. Portals are mental formations created by the Planetary Spirit. Each portal is responsible for a specific thing - for example, money, health, related souls, future impacts, world process management, etc. The Alchemist Master is also able to create his own Alchemy Portal for some very specific needs and practice within this portal. Connection with alchemical portals occurs at the mental level during practice. Such connection to the portal during the practice gives an enormous amount of power and power of realization, so it is important for an alchemist to be ethical and without ego because such realization force can be equally powerful as destructive. Along with portals, the alchemist works with objects, surrounding elements, and Alchemy Essences.
There are 4 elements - they are always subject to the authority of the adept. With the spirits of elements, we only have 2 options - either we run them, or they run us. The spirits are very obedient to man, but it depends on the mental power of each person. If adepts want to create chaos in an element, it can only be done in the quantities that he is capable of coping with, otherwise, there may be trouble.
Element spirits trigger physical and chemical processes.
These are the following 4 elements - fire (ether), air (gaseous), earth (solid), and water (liquid).
Alchemy Essences (Elements) - Azote, Mercury, Salt, Sulfur. These are not physical elements as in chemistry. These are essential essences - universal catalysts for divine transmutation - with their help the spells are created. The essence of alchemy increases and accelerates the realization of practice. Alchemy essences are created in an alchemist's laboratory, and only this part of alchemy resembles the idea of alchemy as most people perceive it.
Spiritual elements:
Azote represents air
Metallogenic mercury (mercury essence) represents water
salt represents earth
Sulfur represents fire
These names should not be taken literally because the essences of alchemy have nothing in common with the chemical elements of the respective name. Alchemy elements (essences) are not the same as chemical elements or substances. For example, sulfur is not the sulfur we know about chemistry, but it is like the soul of sulfur, the internal energy of sulfur, it is not a physical substance.
For example. Evolution and involution are led by 2 essences. Azote is responsible for evolution, but metallogenic mercury is an involution. If we influence the processes of creation or collapse, we use these essences. The essence of salt corresponds to the aspiration of man for perfection, and self-realization. The essence of sulfur is meditation and concentration. The essence of Mercury - Understanding. The essence of azote - esoteric beginning of sensitivity or the understanding of processes - the understanding of the philosophical culture of alchemy.
Divine Transmutations. Materialization of our mental intentions. We have the mental purpose in astral form, find the points of support for this astral form, and realize it in the physical world. We go from fine to denser. But the result is the opposite. From dense physical elements, our mental intentions make the world finer. We are conducting a process that leads us to evolution. The paradox of alchemy - changing the world - from the imperfection we create perfection. From a destructive person, we can create a complete and harmonious person, which could be compared to creating gold from iron. We use the 4 elements that already exist in this man or metal, but we arrange these elements to create a fuller, more noble, cleaner, more harmonious person. When we mix 4 essences in certain proportions, in a certain order, we get a certain transmutation. As a result of transmutation, there should be a stone of philosophers or the elixir of immortality. To create a philosopher's stone the adept himself must attain his spiritual perfection and purity, otherwise, the philosopher's stone cannot be created. Through your perfection and purity, you can achieve and create everything.
How to learn alchemy?
Alchemy is a very sacred esoteric practice and cannot be learned by self-learning from books, especially since most of the books on alchemy are very far from the truth and their authors have nothing to do with the alchemy itself. The books can give you an approximate picture of alchemy, but you need a real alchemy teacher who is able to initiate and connect future adepts to alchemy egregor and 14 alchemy portals. Without these connections, alchemy practice is not possible.
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